wtorek, 3 listopada 2009

gra miejska Praga football (InfoPraga)

w ramach projektu InfoPraga prowadzimy z Anią Owsiany gry miejskie. czasami według własnego pomysłu, czasami na zamówienie. ostatnio biegałyśmy po Pradze w ramach Praga football citygame z członkami konferencji Eurocities (projekt na zlecenie Biura Kultury m.st. Warszawy)

Warsaw will host the European Football Championship in 2012. Everything goes quite smoothly, they build the National Stadium on the right bank of Wisla river, and the Warsawers are looking forward to the event, reassured of the city’s fore coming success. It was decided to built‐in the special, luck‐bringing “Euro‐ball” to serve as a cornerstone for the Stadium’s construction. The idea was to reveal the ball on the very opening of the Championships. The most dramatic news crashes everyone’s hopes and excitement, though: the “Euro‐ball” was kidnapped!!! Without it nothing will succeed, everybody knows it. The future of the Championships wobbles. The kidnappers communicated that they don’t want to collect the ransom to give the ball back. Should their demands be fulfilled? What do they really want? One thing is for sure: the inhabitants of Warsaw want their EURO2012 championships. Will they get back the symbol of the Championships and take over the kidnappers? Help us! Start the game and win!

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